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How to create social media “virus” for non-profit organizations?

How to create social media “virus” for non-profit organizations?

Written by: ZHANG Meiyue, Daisy Viral marketing, defined as the exponential electronic word-of-mouth (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2011), is a strategy valued by many marketers in the era of social media. The penetration power of successful viral marketing messages is stunning when we consider two facts: 



YOU’RE WANTED: THE FACE OF LITTER: Critical perspectives exploring the technological ethics in ‘The Face of Litter’ campaign Written by: HO Pik Wa, Vivian Have you ever thought that one day your face will be shown on a wanted poster just because you littered on 

Guerrilla Marketing as a Saviour for Strapped NGOs like Greenpeace

Guerrilla Marketing as a Saviour for Strapped NGOs like Greenpeace

Written by: LEUNG Nok Huen Christie

Lack of budget has always been a significant pain point for most Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). Therefore, in view of not being able to afford costly traditional marketing like placing advertisements on television, the idea of guerrilla marketing introduced by Jay Conrad Levinson in 1984 has become a budget-friendly alternative for many NGOs.


The guerrilla strategy purely focuses on taking the target audience by surprise and/or unconventional interaction to create a greater impression on the campaign message (Levinson, 2007). In the Summer of 2016, Greenpeace Hong Kong successfully adopted experiential marketing, a type of guerrilla marketing that engaged people using memorable experiences, in their Zero Plastic Ocean campaign.


Similar to other NGOs, Greenpeace only relies on individual donations instead of funding from the government, commercial or political groups. Hence when it came to a low-budget campaign planning, Greenpeace decided to provide a one-off and immersive experience for public in order to raise their awareness towards the impacts of microplastics on the ecosystem and human health. The team set up a pop-up sushi bar at the pedestrian precinct in Causeway Bay on a Saturday afternoon during summertime. The appropriate choice of location and time contributes to the success of utilising guerrilla marketing, as it not only helped Greenpeace to reach a large number of people in a short period of time, it also wowed the public with the unexpected appearance of a sushi bar on the street. In addition, targeting Hong Kong people’s interests in free goods and refreshing sushi in hot summer days, Greenpeace claimed to offer free “sushi” so as to catch passers-by’s eyes and tempt them into getting in line. Eventually, the sushi bar became a foot traffic-stopper in the busy street.


However, when participants finally entered the sushi bar after a long wait, the sushi chef would serve them a plate of  “sushi” made of microplastics in place of the fresh and mouth-watering sushi that they longed for. By means of the huge deviation from what people anticipated, Greenpeace aimed at generating remarkable experiences for every participant and arousing their profound reflections on the corresponding environmental issue. At the same time, to minimize any dissatisfaction and irritation towards the guerrilla event, the team prepared some kusa mochi in advance to compensate for participants’ efforts and explain the significance of the campaign to them in detail. This shows Greenpeace also took the potential risks of implementing this campaign into consideration.

C3All in all, the Zero Plastic Ocean campaign launched by Greenpeace Hong Kong in 2016 has effectively demonstrated how guerrilla marketing, especially experiential marketing, can excite audiences greatly and leave lasting impressions using a low budget. Yet, a fly in the ointment was that Greenpeace should have kept the momentum going and amplified the amazing results across different online channels to continue creating buzz for the campaign. If Greenpeace had paid attention to this point, it would have achieved an even bigger success!


Alexakis, I. (2019, October 22). Guerilla Marketing Ideas: 7 Real Examples To Shut Down Your Competition. Retrieved from

Greenpeace Hong Kong. (n.d.). Mission. Retrieved March 15, 2020 from

Greenpeace Hong Kong [Facebook Page]. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2020 from

Levinson, J. C. (2007). Guerrilla Marketing: Easy and Inexpensive Strategies for Making Big Profits from Your Small Business. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Torres, A. (2019, March 27). Experiential Marketing, Defined — and Examples to Inspire You. Retrieved from

Snapchat’s Pride: Using Snapchat filters as a Marketing Tool

Snapchat’s Pride: Using Snapchat filters as a Marketing Tool

Written by: LEUNG Kwan Ho, Brian Have you ever imagined that you can contribute to society just by using a Snapchat filter? In 2016, W Hotels created a stand-out social campaign with artist Baron Von Fancy by launching “W Hotels X Baron Von Fancy PRIDE 

Will TVB lose the game?

Will TVB lose the game?

TVB is a long-standing broadcasting company in Hong Kong. It used to be powerful, but starting from the social movement back in June 2019, there is a growing voice in society advocating for the boycott against TVB. This article will examine the boycott’s background and 







  1. 個性鮮明
  2. 獨一無二
  3. 與市民互動頻繁


1. 個性鮮明





(熊本熊從樓梯跌下。/圖:youtube 出張!くまモンとかたらんね)
(熊本熊從樓梯跌下。/圖:youtube 出張!くまモンとかたらんね)






2. 獨一無二



3. 與市民互動頻繁



(香港政府吉祥物。圖:Facebook @任何仁)
(香港政府吉祥物。圖:Facebook @任何仁)



Soltani, A., Pieters, J., Young, J., & Sun, Z. (2017). Exploring city branding strategies and their impacts on local tourism success, the case study of Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 23(2), 158–169. doi: 10.1080/10941665.2017.1410195

The Future World of Luxury Brands: How will advancing technologies bring changes?

The Future World of Luxury Brands: How will advancing technologies bring changes?

The luxury and retail industry remain as the top growing sector in 2019, achieving an average brand value growth rate of 11% year-over-year (Interbrand, 2019). Luxury brands such as Louis Vuitton, Chanel and Gucci maintain their success by adapting to rapid changes in stylistic trends, 

How successful brands use experiential marketing

How successful brands use experiential marketing

In the era of information explosion, promoting brands by merelyemphasizing product features and quality can hardly stand outin a clustered market. Realizing this problem, IKEA is using experiential marketing to build up their furniture kingdom. Is Ikea always your top-of-mind brand when you want to 

Infographic: Why is Nintendo Switch successful?

Infographic: Why is Nintendo Switch successful?

Task1.1 Detailed

Just because it’s Pony Park – Power of Influencer Marketing

Just because it’s Pony Park – Power of Influencer Marketing

Written by: Cheng Yi Nam Elim One of the recent highlights in the cosmetics market that catches makeup maniacs’ eyes is the “Pony Park” collection, a makeup product line launched by MAC Cosmetics, and designed by the ultimate Korean-beauty multi-hyphenate Pony Park. Pony is known